Temporary Victory for BREXITers?

via Daily Prompt: Temporary

Right now the upcoming UK elections, set by prime minister Theresa May for 8 June, are on most people’s minds. I think that while Theresa thought a snappy election would give her an easy victory over Labour Party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, it will in fact, prove to be her downfall, making her sojourn as prime minister just that, a temporary affair.

The sad thing for me as a woman about routeing against Theresa May is that I’m a Womanist, with the strong belief that if women ran the World, things would be less maniacal. Unfortunately T.M. (same initials as ™) espouses all the characteristics of this testosterone-driven sham of the global corporate elites’ system we’re forced to live under.

The latest news today, is that ™ and her colleagues plan to undo the ban on fox hunting that the Labour Party brought about, which would make the current peace enjoyed by foxes only a temporary one. The plans she pursues for the NHS make it clear that the Toryrists (new term for Tories from Twitter) believed all along that the NHS was only a temporary system that they would destroy when the time was right.

It’s thought that the main reason Theresa called a snappy election however, is to ensure that her BREXIT victory remains. I’ve only recently learned that the referendum on whether to leave or remain in the EU was an advisory one, rather than a binding one. Another referendum should be held to confirm that Brits definitely want out.

Theresa hopes that by securing her role as prime minister, she and her Leave supporters will avoid the temporary victory it may well turn out to be. The Remainers hope that by getting rid of her and her party on June 8, they will soon look back to that time when for a brief moment, it looked like Britain was pursuing a lonely, self-defeating path.

Jeremy Corbyn or JC (same initials as Jesus Christ) is looked upon as the saviour that will put things right when he steers the helm.  As a temporary person passing through, I’m neither for nor against Britain’s EU membership. If I were given a vote, I would probably go with the EXITers for personal post-colonial-child reasons.

We like JC. He says the right things and appears trustworthy. His victory would bring the type of euphoria that Britain has not experienced since Tony Blair first became leader, however temporary that euphoria was after TB (same initials as a deadly disease) revealed himself.

I do wish that my premonition misses not about Theresa May’s sojourn as leader of Britain. For the sake of the majority of the population and the animals she’s thinking about bringing back to ruin, she really has to go. It’s up to JC to save his country, his people and the foxes!

it's time 4 JC

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